Style: Strong Ale
ABV: 7.4%

Joe’s Take

Spaceway Brewing Co. in Rocky Mount, NC is always a great place to visit. Although we didn’t go to the brewery taproom for this beer, instead grabbing a couple of cans from Jarvis Street Bottle Shop, I am reminded of the small but memorable space situated in an art gallery. They consistently pump out great beers in small batches and even were able to collaborate with Run the Jewels and Proximity Brewing Co. for this special brew. “All Due Respect” is a strong ale brewed with corn grits and molasses intended for #Blacktoberfest2021. I was definitely excited to try this one.

“All Due Respect” poured a dark brown in my newly obtained Oktoberfest glass. It was murky but still let some light shine through. There was a sustained off-white/light collar of foam that barely reduced in size throughout the tasting. The beer looked as if it would be full of flavor and great on a cool fall day.

The aroma of the strong ale was malt forward with hints of sweetness imparted by the molasses. The corn grits were evident in the nose as well as it did have a corn flake type cereal aroma. Caramel malts and a prominent bread crust aroma finished out the smell.

The mouthfeel of “All Due Respect” was balanced and not too heavy or too light. It was slightly mouthcoating and viscous. Sharp pangs of carbonation helped to break up this feeling and left the mouth feeling somewhat cleansed. Despite this, the flavor of the beer stuck around for a moment after swallowing (definitely not a bad thing).

The flavor of the brew was all malt with bread-like and biscuit flavors taking up a bulk of the flavor profile. A bit of dark sweet fruit and molasses added layers of complexity to this base flavor. I enjoyed the deep character of the beer and my perceived role of the corn grits in the grain bill. They added a subtle sweet “corny” flavor that rounded out the brew. The deep but mild flavor of the beer make the drinkability high, only being hindered by the ABV at 7.4% (what would you have expected from a strong ale though?).

Overall, “All Due Respect” was a highly enjoyable Oktoberfest seasonal brew that featured complex flavors and a deep rich character. Run the Jewels should be proud to have their name on this can. If you haven’t yet, be sure to stop out at the taproom in Rocky Mount and try a few pints of Spaceway’s selections to see why we love them.

overall 21/25

Nick’s Take

When I made a stop at Jarvis Street to pick up some beers, I had almost made my way to check out when one of the employees/beertenders, Stephanie, recommended “All Due Respect.” This had just been released and I wasted no time getting a can, knowing it would be a great subject for a beer review. Spaceway Brewing Co. and Run the Jewels? No brainer! Spaceway is a relatively new brewery around here but Joe and I loved our visit to their taproom and enjoyed drinking their brews. Moreover, Proximity Brewing Co. was part of the collab, which is brewery expected to open up in Durham in Spring 2022. Looking forward to seeing more from them!

“All Due Respect” poured out as a really dark brown at first glance, but after holding up to the light, it told a different story. It appeared a lot lighter in color than I had originally noted – reminiscent of maple syrup. That rich brown, caramel-colored beer was graced with a fluffy tan head that bloomed up nicely for a decent amount of time. Eventually, the foam settled into a thin layer of microbubbles that persisted the rest of the tasting. 

As Spaceway promised on the can, there is a heavy presence of molasses in this strong ale. That aroma was followed by some notes of caramel, bread/toast, and a touch of vanilla. In deeper inhales, I picked up a boozy quality – not terribly surprising for a strong ale at 7.4% ABV.

When I took my first swig, I was instantly attracted to this beer (in a totally platonic way, of course). The medium body and subtle carbonation make for a beer that feels “fluffy” on the palate. I wouldn’t go as far as to say chewy, but the mouthfeel is definitely pleasant and conducive to drinking smoothly. Add in a bit of mouthdrying and you’ll find yourself ready to take another drink as soon as you finish the one before.

The flavors in this strong ale were great. Just a touch of booziness, but overall a nice mix of sweet flavors and some roast/spice. Molasses, cocoa, some vanilla, cereal, and some bread presented a rather sweet and smooth taste upfront, with that booze coming through a bit in retronasal olfaction.

This beer got all the respect from me that was due. I enjoyed “All Due Respect” a great deal, and could see myself enjoying this as the chilly fall weather creeps in. The flavors and style make me consider this as a potential cigar pairing option. It is a higher gravity beer that will pack a lunch at 7.4% ABV, so I think one or two pints would be my limit for a sitting. Definitely give this strong ale a try and support what Spaceway is doing!

AppearanceRich brown, persistent off-white collar44.5
AromaMolasses, bread, cereal, sweet corn, boozy4.54.5
MouthfeelMedium body, mild carbonation, slight drying45
TasteMolasses, dark fruit, bready, corn, cocoa, cereal malt4.54.5
DrinkabilityHigh drinkability despite the style and ABV44
TotalOut of 25 possible points2122.5
Abbreviated tasting notes


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